Sunday, July 29

Hey guys!

I'm baaack!
I know I know, how dare I show my face on here again. What's it been, a month? I've actually missed writing on here, but I've been getting distracted by loads of other things. Writing everyday is just unbearable right now with everything that's going on, and it probably won't ever happen again. If I start writing on here again it's going to be very random. I'm not going to set up specific times to post a blog until I get into my routine in College.
I guess I should let you all know that I'm planning a trip to Boston next month! I'm so excited, I can't wait. I'll be heading off in 21 days and I haven't even bought the train tickets or booked a hotel, which I'll do ASAP. I'm also buying tickets for the New England Aquarium, the Art Gallery, and the Boston Red Sox game (even though I'm not a fan of sports at all).
Wondering who I'm going with? My best friend, her boyfriend, and MY boyfriend. (Yes, I now have a boyfriend, as of the 12th)
It only took about an hour to do that.

We'll all be staying in a tiny room together with two double beds, just to save money. I'm planning everything on the trip, if you couldn't tell.
The first day and the last day of the trip are perfectly organized, just because they're travel days. The two middle days aren't planned out step by step though, what's the fun in that? I'll be gone from the 19th-22nd, which is Sunday to Wednesday.
I'll try and keep you updated from now on though, thanks for reading!

Monday, June 18

Plastic Surgery

Hey guys, I'm back for the week! I thought I'd tell you my opinions on plastic surgery. I know it's a very controversial topic, so you'll know where I stand I guess.
I used to think PS was awful, and that people doing it were vain and stuck up. I figured that the only people who should be able to get away with plastic surgery were people who had cleft lip, or some other horrible abnormality. I myself was a little stuck up and un-accepting. I know most people think that way, but they really shouldn't. The only reason why my mind was changed was because my older sister showed me a blog entry.
Sure, I was a little skeptical at first, but then I thought about it, and I realized that she was 100% right about what she said. We really shouldn't be hating on people who get plastic surgery to make themselves look better, they're paying for it and going through pain to be more comfortable in their own skin. Why shouldn't they be able to change how they look? I'm sure everyone has something about them that they don't like. I know I do. I absolutely HATE my nose. It's awful. If I can afford it, I'll probably get PS on it after I graduate college. I want a pretty nose that's flat, and doesn't curve at the bottom. Here, look, I'll show you three photos of it.
I'm 15 here.

Can you see what I mean?
Here's the nose I want.
Sooo pretty.
I know my nose is skinny, but the bottom part really pisses me off, and my nostrils are too exposed. Yuck.
Anyway, now you know about my biggest insecurity. If you hate on me for it, whatever.

Now that I think of it, my nose is not my biggest insecurity. My teeth are. They're too gummy. Hate smiling with them.

Saturday, June 16


Hey guys, I thought I'd let you know that I won't be blogging on weekends. I thought it would be nice to give myself a bit of a break. I might blog occasionally on a weekend, but it will only be if I really feel like it, or if I want to give you updates on things.
I'll be back Monday!

Friday, June 15

Contact lenses

For all of you that don't know this, I wear glasses normally, but I've taken to wearing false eyelashes (which rub up against my glasses when I wear them), so I wanted to get contact lenses so that I could see better with them on. My vision is actually not that bad, it's like a -1.00 for my right eye and a -1.25 for my left eye, I just wanted 20/20 vision when wearing my eyelashes.
I usually go to River Vally Vision for my eye appointments, so I called them to make an appointment for a contact fitting. They were charging $200 for a fitting! And you only got a month's supply of contact lenses with that! So I decided to look for another eye doctor to go to. I called a couple places and found one that did the fitting (and gave you a month's worth of contacts) for $20! That's like, 90% cheaper! (I can't do math, you figure it out). I decided to go to them, so I went into my regular eye clinic and asked them for my information because I wanted to get contacts at another eye place. The freakin' lady REFUSED to give me my information because she said that it wouldn't work for contacts. She made up this total bullshit story about how you can't use your glasses prescription for your contact prescription because contacts are ON your eyes, and glasses aren't. I didn't know any better, so I was like, "Yeah, ok, that makes sense." and went home, only to find out that it works fine, and she just didn't want me to go anywhere else for my contacts. Then when I called in later to ask her about it, she kept to her story about how it can't work. (I eventually got my information, but it was a couple days later). That pissed me off so much! I was a loyal customer to them (until the contacts) so she shouldn't be such a snob. I know they want to keep customers, but lying to them isn't going to make them want to stick around. I sure as hell don't want to after that.
After I got my information, I went to the other eye place and made an appointment, they said it was no problem, and that the information was all they needed (stupid River Vally Vision...) and my contacts would be ready in TWO DAYS. How awesome is that? I went back in for my fitting, she put the contacts in and had me take them out. It took me 10 minutes to get the left one out (I'm right handed, so it was easier). After that I tried to get the right one out. And tried. And tried. And tried some more. Guess how long I sat there trying to pry that damn thing out of my skull?

One hour and thirty minutes.

And I didn't even get it out. The (extremely nice) lady had to gouge it out of my eye with her fingers. I sat there and rubbed my eyes for a good minute after that because they were so irritated.
I got another appointment to try it again, but when I sat down to put them in my eyes, I couldn't do it. I just sat there for ten minutes feeling upset and panicky (because of what happened last time). It was so pathetic! I was so disappointed in myself, but hey, what can you do. I now have a fear of contacts. Stupid things...
The lady didn't charge me a thing though! Even though she ordered the contacts, and I had used up two pairs of them. Thank goodness I didn't go to the other place and pay $200 to fail at taking them out (they make you pay upfront).

I hope you enjoyed my horror story about contacts. I will never attempt at getting them again. Screw that. I'll just wear my pretty eyelashes and have a bit of blurry vision. I can live with that.

Thursday, June 14

"Late" night post

Oh my gosh, I'm so damn tired, I know it's only 12:00, but I tend to go to bed around 11:00. This blog is going to be a quickie.
Went to work today, 5-10, went by quick. Hung out with my grandparents afterwards. Went on Facebook for a while, and now I'm writing this. I'm so lazy right now that I even searched up "what to blog about". Yeah. Pathetic, and I'm only my third blog in. I promise to make more of an effort tomorrow though.
I'll find something interesting to talk about, but now I need to go to sleep and get my friggin' beauty rest. I have choir tomorrow too, which I enjoy, so I'll want to stay awake for that.

Wednesday, June 13

Divorced turtles and wine clothing

You know the world is kind of screwed up when the headlines in the news are about "married" turtles. Apparently these two giant turtles, named Bibi and Polpi, were "married" for 115 years (yes, married. That's what they called it). The female turtle, Bibi, apparently got sick of her spouse, and bit a chunk out of his shell. Hell, I'd probably do that too if I had to live with someone for 115 freakin' years.
The zoo decided that they were going to get the turtles counseling, and when that didn't work, they gave them "romantic good mood food". Must be the equivalent of our junk food.
Anyway, the turtles still couldn't stand each other, so they separated them.
Think I'm making this up? Here, I took a picture.

Should have gotten a prenup

Next thing I found in the news:
Apparently these fashion designers decided to make dresses out of a bacteria that grows from wine. They're excited about their project because it's eco-friendly. I'll tell you this right now, there's no way I'd wear that. Why not? It's made from wine, so you'd smell like booze all day, probably even after you took it off. Plus, it molds to whatever you dry it on, so I'm assuming if you sweat at all, or live in a humid climate, it'd mold to your skin. I'd rather not look naked, thanks. The texture reminds me of Lady Gaga's meat dress. Here, take a look.
Could you eat it?

Maybe if it was edible people would buy it to get drunk. I wonder how much that shirt would cost.. Would you have to be 19 or over (in Canada) to purchase it? Seems like a bad idea to me.

I'm going to end this here because it's time for me to eat.

Tuesday, June 12

First Blog!

I figured since I'm done all of my (1) exams, it's time to start blogging!
I've always been interested in blogging, but I've never had the courage to put my thoughts down on the Internet.. For everyone to see.
It's time to get out of my shell now and begin something new!

I thought I'd start out by letting you people get to know me. I'm an eighteen year old female who loves food, fashion, motorcycles, and occasionally enjoys video games. (I do not classify myself as a nerd or geek, and do not want to)

I'm going to Culinary school this Fall for two years, hopefully I'll be able to intern overseas or something. (I LOVE Italian food!). I've just graduated high school, my prom and graduation are next week, and I've just gotten a job at McDonald's. (I know, not very good, but hey, it's money. Plus, I kinda look cute in the uniform. ;D) I have worked at Dairy Queen for two years before this, from Winter of 2009-Winter of 2011, but I quit because I wanted to spend more time with my boyfriend, but I'm single now, so money is my #1!
I'm doing my training today (and yesterday) and again this Thursday. It's a little boring, but hey, I'm getting paid for it, so I won't complain. ;)

I'll tell you a little more about me throughout the week. I've got to get ready to go out. Bye!